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Cat Ears Are Hot? Here’s What You Need To Do

As I was petting my cat earlier this morning, I started noticing her burning ears. Its temperature is higher compared to the rest of her body. Why is that? Is this a usual thing, or is she sick? Does my cat have a fever, or worse, an ear infection? Is having hot ears bad? Let us get to the bottom of why my cat ears are hot.

Why Are My Cats Ears Hot

Why are my cat’s ears are hot?

There could be many factors and causes why my cat’s ears are hot. Some may be concerned while others are not. To start the list of reasons to blame, we have the big ball of gas up in the sky, the sun. The sun might be the main culprit since prolonged exposure can raise the cat’s temperature.

There could be many factors and causes why my cat's ears are hot.
There could be many factors and causes why my cat’s ears are hot.

Since cat ears are thin and less furry than their body, it is one of the exits of excess heat. Blood flow increases towards this area, thus making it hot. So if the day is hot and your cat’s ears are too, you do not have to panic. It is normal to let their body cool down.

Signs your cat has a fever

Does my cat have a fever because she has hot ears? The answer depends on how hot its ears are. According to Carolina Veterinary Specialists, there might be something wrong if any of the following signs and symptoms accompany the high temperature:

  • Appetite loss
  • Shivering
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness or becoming less active
  • Increased heart rate
  • Poor grooming
  • Dehydration

If these last for 24 hours, it is suggested to get the cat checked by a vet.

Expert Tip: Cats are warm animals and have a higher temperature compared to us humans.

Is it bad if my cat’s ears are hot?

Cats are warm animals and have a higher temperature compared to us humans.
Cats are warm animals and have a higher temperature compared to us humans.

Cat ears, along with its paws and nose, are one of the exits of heat in a cat’s body. Their ears can be cold, then suddenly hot depending on the temperature around the cat. However, it is a different story if any of these symptoms are present:

  • Loss of hearing
  • Foul odor from the ear
  • Swelling of the ear
  • Disorientation
  • Ear discharge
  • Frequent tilting of the head
  • Loss of balance

The information above from Lake Norman at Mooresville Animal Hospital are the signs of an ear infection in cats, and if these are symptoms seen while their ears are hot, it is not good. Ear infections can be due to the excessive development of bacteria, allergies, the buildup of wax, or irritants present in its surrounding.

An ear infection might cause a cat to feel discomfort and pain. It is crucial to observe them regularly in order for an early ear infection to be seen and treated. Early treatment can reduce the chances of having a more severe complication.

We have now reached the bottom as to why my cat’s ears are hot. Hot ears can be due to prolonged exposure to the sun or the temperature of the place the cat is at. Yet, sometimes hot ears are a sign of a serious concern like fever and, worse, ear infection.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that as a cat owner do not directly jump to conclusions to avoid fright. Assess if what is happening is normal or not, and if the symptoms mentioned earlier are present, seek help from a veterinarian.

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About Grace Hocker

Hi, my name is Grace and I am a pet lover. Ever since 5 years old, I've owned some sort of pet from Bearded Dragons to Rabbits. I have dedicated my life to helping pets, and am here to help you get the best for your pet!