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Domesticated Hyena: Can You Have A Hyena As A Pet?

There are a lot of states where you can lawfully own a hyena. These are Nevada, Arkansas, Alabama, and Oklahoma, but many more. Having wild animals as pets is also very fascinating.

Hyenas are risky, and also most states and cities don’t allow people to own them as exotic pets. So, even though you can keep a hyena as a pet, it needs a lot of treatment, meal, and space, and controlling a hyena is complicated and not always advisable.

Can you keep a Hyena as a pet?

Is it possible to keep a hyena as a pet? The answer is no, categorically not, as you might expect. It’s a hyena, and they are untamable creatures. Even if you wanted to keep them as a pet, they’d be challenging to manage because they require a massive amount of medication and food.

Can you keep a Hyena as a pet?
Can you keep a Hyena as a pet?

Although some humans have attempted to domesticate them, the outcomes have been varied. Bringing a hyena to your pack isn’t something we suggest because wild animals should remain just that, wild. However, the information you need is right here if you decide to go that route.

Are Hyenas Like Dogs?

What kind of animal is a hyena? Dog or cat? Is it a cat, a dog, or whatever entirely? The explanation isn’t straightforward. This animal can be called a “cat-like” species, but it’s very different from other animals. It has a similar body shape, tones of voice, and community to a few other animals on the Earth.

Yet, there are still many people who think they aren’t real. Those dogs aren’t wild ones, and they aren’t just simple thieves who steal from cemeteries and farm animals. The hyena is a separate family in the order of Carnivora, so let’s start there.

The Hyena family has four different kinds of animals. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to all three of these types of animals. This animal is only found in northern Africa, the Middle East, and India. These two striped hyenas and the brown ones are in danger because of habitat destruction and scavenging.

Are Hyenas Like Dogs?
Are Hyenas Like Dogs?

Several more eradicated species have been reported in the fossil record, dating back numerous years. Most people think the spotted hyena is unusual, but all four species have unique traits. Over the last few centuries, it has changed a lot to set itself apart from other very similar animals.

Expert Tip: Even though hyenas resemble dogs, they are significantly more strongly related to cats than dogs. They may be found throughout Africa and in the eastern hemisphere, from Arabia to India.

Some Hyenas dwell in big groups known as clans, which may contain up to 80 species and are commanded by females.

Hyena Temperament and Behavior

First of all, they are excellent hunters.

One of the most common myths about hyenas is that they are only scavengers. Almost all of their food comes from lions, which is why they steal so much of it. Research findings studies have found hyenas kill 65% to 92% of the food they eat because when it comes to hunting, they are very good at what they do.

In their job as used when hunters, hyenas knocked down their food source to the fullest extent. They cruise at 38 miles per hour (61 km/ph) for a few miles. Hyenas can kill animals that are much bigger than they are. For an animal, the structure of a giant dog, they have been known to fight buffalos and lions.

They have a lot of knowledge.

Hyenas are often thought of as stupid and naive because of the way they chuckle or squeal. This may be because people interpret their voices. Hyena cognition is believed to have evolved the same way our whole intelligence has, with social structure characteristics trying to drive brain growth.

In studies, hyenas surpassed even primates regarding cooperative or community conflict resolution. This shows that, in some ways, hyena intellectual ability may even be better than that of most higher primates. Anyone who has interacted with hyenas inside the jungle knows how intrigued and observant they can be.

This is especially true for anybody who has had their new car cracked into one. I’ve even seen hyenas use simple tools to help them get out of fenced area traps.

They are very socially intricate

Hyenas live in collectively called clans, with up to 135 members. They are very social. They aren’t altogether the whole time, though. They are more likely to be found alone or in small clusters yet only cross paths a few times a year. “Fusion-fission” is the name for this kind of society.

These clans are composed of mostly linked females that are the most powerful, their cubs who are next in line, and non-natal men who came from other families when they were sexually mature. Immigrant males start at the bottom of the social ladder when they join the clan.

They even get pushed down by newborn cubs because their mother’s position is validated by force. Linear social standing is very similar to how pre-historic monkeys ranked each other.

However, female supremacy is unusual for a huge carnivore like a lion or bear. There is a matriarch in the gang who is the most socially powerful female in the clan’s head.

Hyena Diet

Hyena Diet
Hyena Diet

Hyenas are notorious for their voracious appetites, and they’re not very picky about what they eat. Jaws and fangs that can break bones and organs are also deadly weapons in the hands of these creatures. A single bite from a hyena is enough to disable a wild dog.

They are known as “spotless eaters” because they don’t leave any edible remains behind after eating their victims, which makes them a desirable meal for other hunters. Hyenas can consume their victim down to the bones, ribs, gums, and tusks, all in one go, and they do so with enthusiasm.

A common myth about the passive nature of hyenas is that they prefer to consume the carcasses of other hunters’ prey, but the fact is that these creatures are capable of chasing down a broad range of targets on their own.

As insatiable eaters, hyenas may take down a wide variety of prey, including species, bugs, and even large mammals that are many times their size. Hyenas like devouring dead flesh dumped by more giant animals like lions and eating raw animal flesh.

Expert Tip: During food shortages, hyenas will consume anything they can get their paws on, even if it means digging through waste or stealing food from farms (such as fruit, leafy greens, and insects).

Hyenas eat a variety of various things, depending on their type. Because they feed on tiny to medium-sized species, spotted hyenas, for example, are continually searching for new and more efficient techniques to get their victims.

They prefer the remains of other species’ victims to consume and take rotting ribs and internal organs from the rotting flesh to get their fill. Sea turtles and wild pigs are two of their favorite prey items because of their large fangs and fangs.

Bugs, such as termite, are the aardwolf’s favorite food because it has a mainly flat, slippery tongue that makes it easy to catch them. According to some estimates, Aardwolves may devour up to 40,000 insects in a single night.

In Africa, spotted hyenas are the most numerous and largest predator. As a result, they favor lambs and young offspring since they don’t need as much effort to catch. On average, they consume almost 40 pounds of meat every meal.

Can Hyenas Be Tamed?

Can Hyenas Be Tamed?
Can Hyenas Be Tamed?

Taming a hyena requires a lot of time and effort, as does serving as the pack’s alpha male. As the tiniest hyena, the striped one is also the simplest to train. They’ve been taught for centuries and can be. These animals were domesticated by the Ancient Egyptians and used for hunts.

When trained like a dog, some person’s conduct and attachment resemble those of a dog. Older animals are more challenging and harmful to teach. Hyenas are violent and dangerous creatures, and taming them would be a bad idea because of this.

They are mighty animals, far more aggressive than dogs, and their hunting impulses and deadly bite make them exceedingly dangerous. Hyenas can’t be trusted in the same way a dog might be. These predators are scavengers who would eagerly attack anybody smaller or inferior to they are (infants, young animals, dogs).

No human should ever be allowed to manage or contact casually with a hyena since doing so requires the use of very extensive, guarded cages.


Owning wild creatures such as a Hyena is a challenging task. Owning one needs a lot of time, effort, and attention. Before deciding to get a Hyena as a pet, you must thoroughly consider your options. There are many things to think about before getting a Hyena as a pet. Let us know in the comments if you still have any queries.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

About Rencel Leyran