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Bird With Orange Chest: Here’s 17 Birds With Orange Belly & Chest

Orange-bellied birds are teetering towards extinction. Most of these types of birds inhabit the wild and their number remains critically low. Now more than ever, a call for responsive action in saving these orange-bellied birds from extinction must be amplified.

In this article, we are going to list and identify seventeen birds with unique orange bellies and try to look at their genus, breeding, and survival in the wild. Along the way, we are going to highlight our roles as human beings in saving these birds from the risk of extinction.

17 Orange-Bellied Birds

1. American Robin

American Robin
American Robin

Length: 7.9 – 11 in
Weight: 2.7-3.0 oz
Wingspan: 12.2-15.8 in

The American robin or Turdus migratorius is a songbird that is a member of the thrush family. Its genus turdus translates from the Latin word “thrush” while its species name migratorius signifies that this bird often migrates in the parts of Eastern and Midwestern US.

A male American robin is recognizable by its rufous or “reddish-orange” color on its belly and breast Similarly, a female American robin has a similar shade of color but is only paler than its male counterpart. Most of the time, American robins eat invertebrates and fruits. Their diet behavior is directly affected by the fluctuating seasons and weather.

For example, American robins consume invertebrates during summer and spring on which they eat earthworms and insects. During fall and winter, these birds feed on fruits hanging from branches. These birds are used as a state symbol of Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

A fun fact: American robins have an estimated amount of 2900 feathers. Oftentimes, American robins can be spotted in suburban homes and backyards. These birds are known to survive and adapt to populated landscapes. During their breeding seasons, female American robins find shelter in forests and woodlands.

2. Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole

Length: 6.7-7.5 in
Weight: 1.1 -1.4 oz
Wingspan: 9.1 -11.8 in

Baltimore orioles are scientifically called icterus galbula and are mainly categorized as insectivorous birds. These birds are often found in North America, Central America, and South America. A study of Baltimore orioles in Costa Rica has found that these birds have varied feeding behavior and food habits.

In that same study, researchers have observed the behaviors of Baltimore orioles. They have observed that these birds frequent broken habitats and mainly get their food from canopy areas. Baltimore orioles are pretty much active as soon as the crack of light sets in the morning.

Another observation has shown that these birds like to forage food from trees with brightly-colored flowers and those with heavy and thick foliage. The diet of these birds is often sourced from Lepidoptera larvae and beetles. Also, fruits are included as part of the diet of these insectivorous birds.

Expert Tip: The diet and feeding behavior of these birds often constitute 12% of insects, 7% of fruits, and 12% are unidentified contents.

3. Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Length: 5.9-7.5 in
Weight: 0.6-0.7 oz
Wingspan: 11.4 -12.6 in

Barn swallows or Hirundo rustica are species of birds that are closely tied with human activities and agricultural innovations. These birds often breed throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. During winter, these birds breed in Central America and South America.

These birds originally like to nest in caves, but through time, they started to breed and nest in farm places where animals are kept such as pigs and cows. Oftentimes, barn swallows nest on public buildings and infrastructures. Extensive research studies have been focused on barn swallows especially among countries in Europe.

Barn swallows are commonly found in North-Western Europe. One of these research studies has focused on the behaviors and diet of barn swallows in rural areas of Poland. This study has observed that these birds decline in population because there is a reduction in their food sources.

Mostly, the diet of a barn swallow located in farm cattle is large Diptera and horse fly Tabanidae. The migration behaviors of these birds often vary. Their migration spans months and often occurs between the months of mid-December and early January or mid-June and early July.

As humans continue to build farm cattle and infrastructures, barn swallows adapt and survive among these habitats.

4. Bullock’s Oriole

Bullock’s Oriole
Bullock’s Oriole

Length: 6.7-7.5 in
Weight: 1.0- 1.5 oz
Wingspan: 12.2 in

Bullock’s oriole or scientifically named Icterus bullockii has a quite resemblance with Baltimore oriole. These two species were considered separate by American ornithologists in 1957. Unlike the Baltimore oriole, the bullock’s oriole has a large white patch on its wings and its head and neck are color orange instead of black.

Bullock’s oriole typically resides in northern parts of North America. These birds are often found in the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific regions of the United States. Bullock’s oriole is a migratory species of bird. These birds often migrate during the winter season. During winter, bullock’s oriole inhabits Lower California.

Both Bullock’s oriole and Baltimore oriole are known as weavers and architects. These birds weave nests made of fibrous materials that can withstand strong winds and heavy rains.

A fun fact: Bullock’s oriole, both the male and female birds, are great singers. These birds are known to produce territorial songs and hymns.

5. Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebirds
Eastern Bluebirds

Length: 6.3 – 8.3 in
Weight: 1.0-1.1 oz
Wingspan: 9.8 – 12.6 in

Eastern bluebirds are scientifically named Sialia sialis. These birds are part of the family of thrushes breeding and living in the United States. Both male and female Eastern bluebirds are recognizable by their colors. Male Eastern Bluebirds have a brighter blue color on its head and tails while female Eastern bluebirds have a paler blue color.

Expert Tip: These birds can live and survive in artificial nesting areas such as boxes and cardboard.

In 1934, ‘bluebird trails’ are popularized where a series of boxes and cardboards were made in order to house and nest Eastern bluebirds. The diet of Eastern bluebirds mostly comprises ground arthropods, especially during their breeding seasons.

Eastern bluebirds are omnivores however their diet comprises 68% of insects. These birds like to hunt for their prey above the ground and forage for food. These birds breed between the months of March and July.

6. Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird

Length: 6.3-7.5 in
Weight: 0.8 -1.1 oz
Wingspan: 11.4 -13.4 in

Western bluebirds or Sialia Mexicana are one of the three species that fall under the genus Sialia that can only be found in North America. These birds are partial migrants where they only cover a short distance of migratory places such as in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada.

Adult Western bluebirds are known to consume berries during the fall and winter seasons. Some of these varieties of berries are juniper berries located in the southwestern part of the United States. One study of Western bluebirds has found out that during winter, their main food sources are mistletoes.

Western bluebirds are social birds. In winter, these birds live with approximately 18 same types of birds. The norm among these birds is group stability for survival, especially in the winter season. Both the male and female Western bluebirds are found to take care of their offspring.

7. Say’s Phoebe

Say’s Phoebe
Say’s Phoebe

Length: 6.7 in
Weight: 0.7- 0.8 oz
Wingspan: 13 in

Say’s Phoebe with a scientific name Sayornis saya are types of birds that prefer to live and survive in the dry grasslands of California. In the summer of 2018, numerous records and sightings of Say’s phoebes birds are observed in Sacramento and San Joaquin, California.

These birds can be found in artificial nests such as on barns and porches of houses. During the non-breeding season, these birds are solitary. When the early start of the breeding season is drawing near. Say’s phoebes quickly find a pair to mate and survive during mating periods.

The diet of Say’s phoebes birds is mostly comprised of insects, grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, flies, and bees. Female Say’s phoebes often reuse nests from previous seasons or those that were built by other species of birds.

8. Allen’s Hummingbird

Allen’s Hummingbird
Allen’s Hummingbird

Length: 3.5 in
Weight: 0.1 oz
Wingspan: 4.3 in

Allen’s hummingbird or scientifically named Selasphorus sasin is a bird that only breeds in the state of California, USA. Outside California, there is an abundance of migratory Allen’s hummingbirds in the Valley of Mexico. In mid-or late September, especially during the spring season.

Allen’s hummingbirds frequent the counties of California. During migration, Allen’s hummingbirds migrate on an elliptical route. Most of the time, an adult Allen hummingbird precedes females in migrating to another place. Generally, hummingbirds can perceive colors, especially the color red in locating their food sources.

Expert Tip: The diet of Allen hummingbirds includes insects, fruits, and flowers. Since the red color stands out in the background of green trees and plants, Allen’s hummingbirds forage for red-colored fruits and flowers.

An Allen hummingbird is a spring and summer migrant but is a vagrant during the winter season.

In a 1972 study, it was found out that male Allen hummingbirds migrate earlier into California’s north coast rather than their female counterparts.

9. American Woodcock

American Woodcock
American Woodcock

Length: 9.8- 12.2 in
Weight: 4.1 – 9.8 oz
Wingspan: 17.5-18.9 in

American woodcock or Scolopax minor is a shorebird that later on has adapted to live in forests and woodlands. Over the last centuries, there is a steady population decrease of American woodcocks at a rate of one to two percent every year.

The decrease in population among American woodcocks is attributed to deforestation and illegal logging. These birds often inhabit Iowa in northern Illinois and Indiana, USA. American woodcocks need forest clearings for courtships, forest thickets for diurnal, and also foraging for food such as earthworms.

In early spring, male American woodcocks occupy courtship territories called “singing grounds” to find their potential female mates. Alder trees are important habitats for American woodcocks. These trees offer them shade and protection against threats from roaming predators.

Studies have shown that American woodcocks positively respond to well-managed habitats. When there is an abundance of farms, woodlands, and forests in landscapes. American woodcocks also grow in population.

10. Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler

Length: 4.3-4.7 in
Weight: 0.3 – 0.4 oz
Wingspan: 7.9- 9.1 in

The Blackburnian warbler (Dendroica fusca) is a boreal migratory type of bird that inhabits south of Costa Rica, northern Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia during the winter season. These birds are identified as insectivorous birds that forage on forest canopies and woodlands.

Blackburnian warblers peck on twigs and branches in search of insects hidden in moss and foliage of trees. Blackburnian warblers prefer to live and survive in native forests with thick foliage and a high density of trees.

One study in Colombia focusing on habitat formation of Blackburnian warblers has found out that there is a huge decline of population among Blackburnian warblers since the locals started to cut down trees.

Conservation of mature and native trees in the forest entails survival and increase of population for Blackburnian warblers. These birds mainly avoid non-native trees such as Eucalyptus globulus.

11. Black-headed Grosbeak

Black-headed Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak

Length: 7.1 -7.5 in
Weight: 1.2-1.7 oz
Wingspan: 12.6 in

The Black-headed grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus) is a migratory bird known for its singing behavior. This bird is commonly found in most parts of western North America. Black-headed grosbeaks are also known for their breeding behaviors.

In a 1983 study of the breeding biology of Black-headed grosbeaks, it was found out that males arrive six days before the females. Most of the Black-headed grosbeaks that arrived first already have their pairs and mates. During the breeding season, males forage their territories while singing their territorial hymns.

Expert Tip: Vocalizations of these birds include chip and wheat calls. Males often sang than females because singing serves as their territorial function against threats from predators.

Male and female Black-headed grosbeaks equally feed and care for their offspring during the nestling period. After the nestling period, male Black-headed grosbeaks were also the first ones to leave their families.

The diet of Black-headed grosbeaks is composed of insects and other animal matter rather than vegetable food. Young Black-headed grosbeaks consume caterpillars and when they grow old, they started to eat beetles and insects as part of their diet.

12. Kingfisher


Length: 6.1 – 6.3 in
Weight: 1.40-1.41 oz
Wingspan: 9.84 in

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) is a widespread species of bird found in many parts of Britain and Ireland. Species of this bird can also be found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Kingfishers are known for their electric blue back, orange breast, and long pointed beak.

These birds breed near sources of water such as rivers, swamps, and lakes. Kingfishers breed among these areas since there are readily available sources of food. They have an extended breeding season ranging from the months of March to July. Kingfishers commonly eat small fishes such as minnows and water insects.

They are known to descent and dive to their prey and catch it by their pointed beaks. Unfortunately, these birds are gradually decreasing in number because of various human activities. Water pollution and habitat loss are the main threats to the population of kingfishers.

13. Orange-bellied Parrot

Orange-bellied Parrot
Orange-bellied Parrot

Length: 8.27 in
Weight: 1.44-1.76 oz
Wingspan: 9.68 in

An orange-bellied parrot with its scientific name Neophema chrysogaster is a migratory and critically endangered type of bird from Southwestern Tasmania. During non-breeding periods, orange-bellied parrots occupy the coastal areas of South-Eastern Australia.

Orange-bellied parrots often consume herbaceous and shrubby plant species as part of their diet. These birds forage food on the ground rather than hovering above in finding food sources. For 30 years, orange-bellied parrots have been subjects of extensive conservation programs.

These birds are one of the most threatened species of parrots in the world. These birds often consume seeds and fruits from coastal marsh plants and occasionally on flowers and stem as well. Orange-bellied parrots forage food on the ground and on areas with low vegetation.

Unfortunately, there are ongoing threats towards the population of orange-bellied parrots. Some of these threats include industrial and urban development and also changes to land practices.

Expert Tip: Orange-bellied parrots are at risk of extinction. Their population size ranges from 100 to 150 mature orange-bellied parrots.

These birds are in need of conservation programs and habitat management.

14. Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch

Length: 4.3 in
Weight: 0.3 – 0.5 oz
Wingspan: 7.1 -7.9 in

A Red-breasted nuthatch with the scientific name Sitta canadensis is one of the mountain coniferous forest birds. These birds are distinguished by reddish underparts and white eyebrow stripes on its head. They are known to climb down from tree trunks headfirst.

The red-breasted nuthatch is known as a weak excavator. These birds rely on old and decaying natural cavities on tree trunks as their nests and habitats. In the Appalachian Mountains, Red-breasted nuthatches are found to inhabit highly elevated coniferous trees.

The diet of a Red-breasted nuthatch is commonly sourced from arboreal arthropods especially during their breeding seasons. On non-breeding seasons, these birds forage on conifer seeds. Red-breasted nuthatch prefers to live on mature conifer trees rather than younger conifer trees.

These birds are limited by the availability of old and decaying trees that can serve as their nests and sources of food especially during winter. Through habitat management and conservation of old trees such as conifer trees, the population of Red-breasted nuthatch will most likely increase.

15. Red Knot

Red Knot
Red Knot

Length: 9.1 – 10.6 in
Weight: 4.4-7.2 oz
Wingspan: 22. 4 – 23. 6 in

Red knot or Calidris canutus is a type of bird that frequents the shores of Delaware Bay. These birds are distinguishable by the brilliant rusty red color of their breasts. This rusty color extends from its neck moving to the upper part of its head.

These birds primarily rely on horseshoe crab eggs as their primary source of food. In 1981, the first survey of Red knots had been conducted in Delaware. In that same year, the population of Red knots reached more than 90,000. However, in 2001 there has been an intense decline in the population reaching 36,000.

Red knot birds are known to adapt to harsh Arctic conditions. These birds can weave and create nests during winter for their offspring. Unfortunately, horseshoe crabs were harvested by locals as eel baits which affect the availability of food sources for Red knots.

The Delaware Bay has been declining since the year 1997. In 2004, the recorded population of Red knots had reached 13,315. This is a dramatic decline in the population of Red knots that ultimately calls for conservation management.

16. Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird

Length: 2.8 – 3.5 in
Weight: 0.1 – 0.2 oz
Wingspan: 4.3 in

Rufous hummingbird with its scientific name Selasphorus rufus is a remarkable migratory bird known for its role as a pollinator in the countries of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. These birds are at risk of extinction since their population declined by 60% since 1974.

Rufous hummingbirds travel at a long distance when migrating. These birds cover a large geographical area in terms of breeding and migration stopovers. Over time, these birds have suffered the effects of climate change and pesticide exposure.

Expert Tip: As one of the smallest hummingbirds ever recorded, Rufous hummingbirds are labeled as small but terrible birds. Their size, comparable to nickel, didn’t hinder them to travel a thousand miles when migrating.

Rufous hummingbirds are territorial types of birds, especially during the breeding season.

Male Rufous hummingbirds arrive first in order to establish their own territory. In British Columbia, the oldest recorded Rufous hummingbird nearly reached the age of 99. These birds live among mature forests and woodlands.

Rufous hummingbirds are capable of visiting a flower four to five thousand times per day. They like to consume nectars of flowers and insects such as gnats and aphids.

17. Varied Thrush

Varied Thrush
Varied Thrush

Length: 7.5-10.2 in
Weight: 2.3-3.5 oz
Wingspan: 13. 4-15. 0 in

A Varied thrush scientifically named Ixoreus naevius is an endemic bird primarily located on the Pacific Northwest of North America. These birds undergo fluctuating populations, especially during the winter season. After a heavy snowfall, these birds are commonly seen on beaches, roadways, and houses.

Varied thrushes are remarkable because they exhibit territorial vocalizations. These call notes are mostly produced by male Varied thrush rather than its female counterparts. Males are territorial and aggressive compared to females. Varied thrushes often interact with robins in forests and woodlands.

These birds are categorized as boreal seed-eating birds. Varied thrushes commonly consume seed crops, birches, and spruces. An oak tree is one of the prevalent food sources of Varied thrushes. Also, acorns make up 76.71 % of the diet of these types of birds.

What are orange-bellied birds called?

The Orange-bellied Flowerpecker feeds on nectar from flowers using its brush-tipped tongue
The Orange-bellied Flowerpecker feeds on nectar using its brush-tipped tongue

The Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) is a small passerine bird native to Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Guinea. They inhabit dense forests or thick scrub. They are found in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. It has a bright orange patch on the lower belly and a black head and nape.

The male’s upper parts are dark green with white barring, the female is browner with streaking on the head. The bill is black. The legs are dark grey and the eyes red. Males have a two-syllable call that sounds like “pity-pit”, while that of the female is shorter and more melodious.

The Orange-bellied Flowerpecker feeds on nectar from flowers using its brush-tipped tongue. In Malaysia, the Orange-bellied Flowerpecker is found in Taman Negara National Park. The flowerpeckers are a family, Dicaeidae of passerine birds. There are about thirty species distributed through tropical southern Asia and Indonesia.

They have short legs and tend to sit very upright while perched prominently on branches. The tail of many species is held upright, in the position characteristic of perching birds in general. About half of the family are sexually dimorphic, with males having brighter plumage than females.

They are among the few passerine birds that feed almost entirely on nectar obtained from flowers using their long tongues or proboscis.

Are Orange-bellied Parrots Extinct?

The Orange-bellied Parrot is a small parrot originating in Southern Australia and is one of the three parrot species that migrate. Males are bright green with an orange belly while females are a duller green color. Their diet consists of seeds. Every year, they migrate to Tanzania, where they lay their eggs and raise their young.

Expert Tip: Like many species, the Orange-bellied Parrots have been losing more and more ground in the battle for survival.

Are Orange-bellied Parrots Extinct? The answer is no, they aren’t extinct. They are, however, critically endangered. This means that the Orange Bellied Parrots’ population has increased by eighty percent or will do so in the near future.

Habitat loss, increases in predators and poisonous weeds in their breeding grounds, and fewer females in the wild have all contributed to them becoming critically endangered. At the time, it’s estimated that there are fewer than fifty left in the wild.


These types of birds with orange bellies have varying characteristics and nature in terms of breeding, migration, and survival in their habitats. Over time, some of these orange-bellied birds are at risk of extinction. It is highly imperative that a call for conservation programs and awareness for these birds are amplified and acted upon by the people.

Have you seen any of these orange-bellied birds? If yes, share your experience in the comments section below. If you have further questions and clarifications, feel free to pop it in the comment box down below.

About Rencel Leyran