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What Is A Holland Lop: Everything You Need To Know

Are you considering adopting an adorable little munchkin Holland Lop rabbit? Well, what’s better than having some of those cute fluffy cheeks beloveds as your residents? It’s like the best thing to have in the world who can embrace you with their genuine love, tenderness, and positive vibes that we all deserve and need.

If you are thinking of having one, you are now in the right place because as we dig deeper, you will discover everything about this one of the most well-known breeds of bunnies.

Overview and Description

I guess you are asking, “What exactly are Holland Lop rabbits?”. In a technical definition, the Holland Lop rabbits come from the Leporids family and have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years. They have an average length, and their weight is typically between 2 to 4 pounds. But there is a lot more to know.

The Holland Lop is an adorable breed of rabbit known as one of the smallest and cutest among lop rabbit breeds. They are also called dwarf rabbits due to their tiny sizes, muscular but compact bodies, thick but short legs, round faces, and broadheads.

They have a glorious crown-like puff of fur that can be seen at the back of their heads and also thick body furs that come in numerous colors. Their coat is usually dense, glossy, and short. They also have their famous and distinctive lop ears that are drooped instead of standing erect.

What exactly are Holland Lop rabbits?
What exactly are Holland Lop rabbits?

These little Holland Lop rabbits are undoubtedly the definition of cuteness, and this is all due to their cuddly size and because they can melt your heart by just staring at them. The Holland Lop is a remarkably famous rabbit breed in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world.

Many people are captivated by their lovely nature and sweet temperament, plus the fact that they are child-friendly pets that made them a very favorite by many. Also, due to their size, they tend to be easier to take care of compared to other breeds of rabbits.

Expert Tip: However, Holland Lop rabbits are prone to some health issues because of how they were bred. So even though their size is as little as a dwarf, they still surely need some special attention and care.

Breed Origin and History

Doing some retrospection, Holland Lop is not a natural rabbit breed, it is not a breed that naturally came into existence. As the name implies, Holland Lop was primarily emanated in the Netherlands in the 1950s by a well-distinguished Dutch rabbit breeder, Adriann de Cock, who began the breeding process in 1949.

As a breeder, he yearned to create the ultimate rabbit by combining the characteristics of two very distinct breeds, the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit and a French Lop, which could result in an intriguing mix and in pursuit of producing a new radical rabbit breed. But his venture initially turned out to be unsuccessful.

Holland Lop is not a natural rabbit breed
Holland Lop is not a natural rabbit breed

The crossbreeding between two very different rabbit breeds derived contrary to what de Cock had expected. The result? A litter of six had their ears erected and did not have lopped ears.

As another step to achieving his goal, two years later, after his unsuccessful plan, de Cock used a doe from the previous litter and crossbred it with an English Lop buck to enhance the Lop gene. Eventually, de Cock successfully bred a tiny-sized Holland Lop rabbit with extraordinary floppy ears that many people loved today.

In 1964, the Holland Lop was officially distinguished by the Netherlands Governing Rabbit Council (NRC) as a new breed that opened the door for the newly developed breed to become incredibly popular across Europe.

In 1975, the Holland Lop rabbits made their way in the USA, and 4 years later, the breed was recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). Since that year, the entire world has appreciated and enjoyed the Holland Lop rabbits as their pets as they welcome them into their lives.

Behavior and Temperament

Holland Lop rabbits are best known for their pleasing temperament.
Holland Lop rabbits are best known for their pleasing temperament.

The Holland Lop rabbits are best known for their pleasing temperament. They are adaptable, calm, comfortable, docile, easy to handle, friendly, and gentle. They are also exceedingly playful, so it is very crucial to encourage your Holland Lop rabbits to spend time outside their hutches so that their personality would flourish.

It is also vital to provide them with some toys that they may chew up to be entertained, stimulated, occupied, and avoid boredom.

The Holland Lop rabbits are delightful to have in every household because they can acquire the qualities of every beloved home pet. They love to have cuddles, so expect them to hop on your lap to find some relief and relaxation. It is also critical to note to respect your pet bunny’s personal time and space.

Foods and Diet

Holland Lop rabbits are herbivores.
Holland Lop rabbits are herbivores.

The Holland Lop rabbits are herbivores, so their main diet must include 70% high-quality hay (grass). Munching hay can significantly help their digestive system circulate well and assist them in avoiding sharp teeth, which could also prevent them from developing some dental problems.

The other is consists of pellets, a mixture of fruits, leafy green vegetables, and plenty of drinking water. Pellets are consumed to give them the minerals and vitamins they need to stay healthy, and water is essential to make them stay hydrated.

Expert Tip: It is necessary to remember that the amount of food you will give to your Holland Lop rabbit should depend on their activity status, age, and size.


Holland Lop rabbits are commonly healthy pets.
Holland Lop rabbits are commonly healthy pets.

The Holland Lop rabbits are commonly healthy pets. And when it comes to protecting the health of Holland Lop rabbits, they usually only need basic grooming in such cases. The best thing about these cute bunnies is that they are not vulnerable to hereditary health problems.

However, it is still highly integral to take care of them to improve their life spans and living.

  • It is noteworthy to properly balance their diet. It is essential to consider the amount of food you will give to your pet bunnies. Also, young bunnies are prone to some deadly health problems such as bloat, enteritis, and gut stasis.
  • Their teeth could overgrow and can cause extreme pain and discomfort. Swallowing hay and a toy that they can bite could prevent this from happening.
  • Holland Lop rabbits need to exercise to preserve their health and weight. You need to give them time to walk and run for an amount of time and get out of their hutch to minimize the chance of lethargy, obesity, and sore hocks.
  • They also loathed taking baths. And to prevent them from catching colds, it is best to utilize a wet cloth to clean your rabbit to avoid dehydration and overheating.
  • As an owner, you must often brush their furs to avoid them ingesting their hair, and if left unobserved, it can inflict internal body blockages. Their nails must also be inspected and cut regularly.
  • Holland Lop rabbits are susceptible to ear infections due to their lop ears. Maintaining their ears well-groomed and clean could significantly evade having such ear infections.

Health Issues

Below are some of the most common health problems that Holland Lop rabbits could acquire.

Rabbit Ear Mites

Also known as Psoroptes cuniculi. This is a typical parasite health problem. If you observe your rabbit shaking or scratching their ears or heads, or even biting their ears, you would know that they have this infection.

Rabbit Hairballs

Also known as trichobezoars. This could happen when your rabbit ingests excessive amounts of fur. So it is wise to make sure to brush your pet’s coat to extract loose hair. One typical symptom is loss of appetite.


This could transpire when the lower and upper teeth do not line up correctly. It’s vital to have usual dental checkups or provide your rabbit with a toy to bite and a good amount of hay to chew.

Otitis Media

A clean and well-groomed rabbit’s lop ears could prevent this type of infection because this condition only happens when there is a bacterial infection that could cause swelling and inflammation in the middle and inner ear.

Sore Hocks

Your Holland Lop rabbit could acquire this by standing and walking on dirty or wire floors. So make sure to properly clean and sanitize your floors regularly.


Indeed, the Holland Lop is a unique, extraordinary, and special breed due to its adorable appearance and characteristics. Who could refuse their cuteness and ideal temperaments? It is a perfect pet to have in your home and the best companion to bond with your family. So, are you now ready to have one?

About Rencel Leyran