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Can Guinea Pigs Have Watermelon? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Watermelons are the juicy red fruits that keep us cool in the summer. I often wonder if guinea pigs can eat watermelon as well. Will it quench their hunger in the same way that it did for us?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon may be eaten by Guinea pigs, but only in moderation. It’s better to serve a little quantity of watermelon because too much might create stomach issues. Watermelon and its skin can be fed but be sure to remove all of the seeds since they might cause choking.

Because watermelon is high in water, it is healthy for your pet and will not affect your guinea pig’s health if given in modest amounts. Watermelon is the only fresh meal that a guinea pig may consume on a regular basis without causing health concerns for your pet.

Expert Tip: Just keep in mind to give it in modest doses. Watermelon in large quantities can induce stomach pains and diarrhea.

What Is A Nutritional Value Of A Watermelon?

Vitamin C, copper, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, biotin, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, and magnesium are all found in watermelon. It has anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant characteristics. Watermelon has a lot of antioxidant carotenoids, including a lot of beta-carotene, which becomes better as it ripens.

Vitamins C and A assist the immune system, bodily tissues develop, and illnesses are fought in the body. Watermelon has a little amount of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are also important for bone formation, tooth development, and other nervous system requirements.

Watermelon also has an adequate quantity of potassium. Potassium is a necessary component of the human body because it aids in fluid equilibrium. It also aids muscle growth and the prevention of kidney and bladder stones.

Does My Guinea Pig Like Watermelons?

Watermelon is a favorite of almost all guinea pigs. They enthusiastically consume their reward once they’ve had their first bite and they might even ask for more. However, don’t give in since too much watermelon might upset your cavy’s sensitive system.

Some things that are completely OK for humans are harmful to guinea pigs. While both Kale and Spinach are high in nutrients, they are also high in calcium, which may contribute to bladder stones in guinea pigs.

Does My Guinea Pig Like Watermelons
Does My Guinea Pig Like Watermelons

What about fruit, though? Guinea pigs are fragile creatures with sensitive tummies, so what you give them must be carefully considered. Watermelon may be eaten by Guinea pigs, but only in moderation. Only give your guinea pig a tiny piece of watermelon once a week.

This is due to the fact that most fruits contain a surprising quantity of sugar. Sugar is harmful to your pet just as much as it is for you. Fruit may be eaten by guinea pigs, but only as a special treat. Grass, hay, and guinea pig pellets should make up the majority of your guinea pig’s diet.

Expert Tip: Hay or grass is necessary for your guinea pig’s intestinal health as well as the preservation of his or her teeth. Fresh lush green vegetables, such as green leaf lettuce or broccoli, should be provided to your guinea pig on a daily basis.

Benefits Of A Watermelon For Your Guinea Pig

  • It prevents Scurvy – Guinea pigs require vitamin C to survive and combat the illness scurvy which can be deadly (these are the scurvy symptoms: diarrhea, fatigue, rough coat, no appetite, discharge, bleedings). They only get scurvy if their diets are deficient in vitamin C.

    But why are they deficient in vitamin C? Because they can’t manufacture it themselves and can’t keep it. feed them vitamin C meals whenever you can.

  • It is an antioxidant -Vitamin A and lycopene are found in the rind of a watermelon. Both are powerful antioxidants that can help people’s general health and immunity. When guinea pigs’ bodies are given antioxidants, they are able to eliminate the free radical damage that causes the majority of their health issues.

  • It is prevention from digestion problems – Zinc and betaine are found in the rind of a watermelon, and they are beneficial to intestinal health, among other things. What for? Guinea pigs might get indigestion, cramps, or diarrhea from time to time. The zinc can help with diarrhea, and the betaine can help with digestion in general.

  • It can prevent having kidney stones– The potassium in the rind of a watermelon can assist to prevent kidney stones from forming.

  • It produced healthy blood -Iron is also found in the rind of a watermelon. Iron maintains the health of the blood, combats anemia, and eliminates weakness.

How About Watermelon Rind?

Some individuals believe that you shouldn’t give your guinea pig watermelon rind because they can’t digest it. However, there doesn’t appear to be much evidence to support this claim. Many guinea pigs appear to tolerate the rind as long as it is sliced into thin strips and not given in large quantities.

Expert Tip: Consult your veterinarian if you have any worries about the watermelon rind.

What About Watermelon Juice?

No, we shouldn’t give our guinea pigs watermelon juice. The juice has a high level of sugar, which can lead to illnesses like obesity and diabetes in guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

For the guinea pigs, watermelon seeds constitute a choking threat. You may believe that the pink fleshy section of the watermelon has the most nutrients, however, the rind really provides more nutrients than the fleshy part.

The guinea pigs like the rind of a watermelon. They will receive adequate health benefits and will not consume excessive sugar.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Seeds
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon Seeds

Can guinea pigs eat the white seeds from a watermelon? White watermelon seeds are safe for guinea pigs to consume since they are smaller and softer. If your guinea pigs eat a few, nothing terrible will happen. However, it is safest to remove all of the seeds from the watermelon, both white and black.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow Watermelon?

Yellow watermelon may be eaten by Guinea pigs, but only in moderation. Because this variety of watermelon lacks lycopene, the pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their red or pink color, it is yellow on the interior. Despite this, it has about the same nutritional value as the red/pink watermelon.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow Watermelon
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow Watermelon

Yellow watermelon includes vitamin C and vitamin A, all of which are beneficial to guinea pigs. However, because it is sweeter than red/pink watermelon, it is not suggested to give guinea pigs this watermelon on a regular basis or in big serving sizes.

How Often Should My Guinea Pig Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon has a high sugar content as well as a lot of water. If you give it to your guinea pig too regularly, it may cause diarrhea. You’ll want to be cautious about eating too many sugary snacks because they can contribute to obesity and diabetes.

In general, a tiny portion would be little more than a slice. If you want to be precise, a tablespoon or two should be enough. But keep in mind that each guinea pig is unique. Watermelon flesh is enjoyed by some, while the peel is nibbled by others. Please wash your watermelon well to eliminate any chemicals that may be present in the outer skin.

Your guinea pigs will be harmed by these substances. Serve them exclusively with organic watermelon if at all feasible. After they’ve eaten, look for any irregularities in their feces. If you notice any negative effects, stop serving the fruit or reduce the amount you’re providing.

Digestive disorders in guinea pigs are frequent and if left untreated, they can be deadly.
After you’ve given your guinea pig a 12-inch square of watermelon and monitored for indications of diarrhea, gradually increase the serving size until your cavy is eating the entire piece.

Expert Tip: Watermelon can be given to your guinea pig up to three times per week if it isn’t given on the same day as other tasty treats.

How To Serve And Store Watermelons For Your Guinea Pig

So, let’s make absolutely sure you feed the watermelon to your furry friends correctly. It’s not difficult. To do it securely, you only need to remember a few things:

  • If you buy a whole melon, remember to keep it refrigerated once it’s been sliced, otherwise, it’ll deteriorate faster.
  • Wrap the melon in plastic after cutting it to keep it fresh for three days. This will keep the melon fresh and prevent it from tasting like the other foods in your fridge.
  • Before eating the fruit, remove the seeds (they’re choking risks).
  • It’s better to let it warm up to room temperature before eating it straight from the fridge. To your piggies’ tummies, cold food is a bit of a shock.

What Other Types Of Food Can I Feed My Guinea Pigs?

Although guinea pigs seldom overeat, it’s critical to offer the right mix of pellets, hay, and fresh veggies. Guinea pigs, like humans, cannot produce vitamin C on their own thus they must consume vitamin C-rich meals on a regular basis.

Commercial Food

Look for vitamin C fortified pellets that don’t include any seeds or dried fruit. Because vitamin C degrades fast, providing your guinea pig with vitamin C-rich fruit and vegetables on a regular basis is essential. It will suffice to feed around 1/8 cup of pellets once a day, supplemented with hay and fresh vegetables as specified below.

Timothy Hay

Every day, provide an unlimited amount of fresh timothy hay. Guinea pigs require constant access to hay in order to assist digestion and prevent tooth development.

Fruit And Veggies

Fresh vegetables should be provided once a day and should amount to around one cup for each guinea pig. The majority of your pig’s fresh food should be leafy greens like romaine lettuce, red and green leaf lettuces, kale, cilantro, and parsley. It’s preferable to feed various greens every day to give diversity.

Vitamin C-rich vegetables, such as red or green peppers and broccoli, are excellent everyday choices. Once or twice a week, add carrots, zucchini, tomato, or sweet potato.
Fruit might be served once a day or many times a week as an occasional treat.

Because fruit is heavy in sugar, make portions minimal, a tiny wedge of orange or apple few blueberries, or a small piece of banana will suffice. Vitamin C is abundant in kiwis, strawberries, and citrus fruits.

Is It Good For A Guinea Pig To Eat Watermelon And The Skin?

Guinea pigs are often kept as a pet. These cute fluffy animals have different breeds from short-haired to long-haired. They are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during twilight. There are some foods that a guinea pig cannot eat, but they are good with most fruits and vegetables.

Guinea Pig Eats Watermelon
Guinea Pig Eats Watermelon

But are you curious if a guinea pig can eat the skin or rind of the watermelon? Yes, they do. It was actually better than the red part for the reason that, it has less sugar but before giving them a watermelon, wash it thoroughly first to remove all the dirt and pesticides on the rind.

Actually, the rind part of the watermelon has a lot more nutrients than the actual flesh so it’s much better for them but remember that everything is good but in moderation.

Expert Tip: Don’t feed them so much watermelon rind because there are still some risks if they are being fed too much such as indigestion, etc.


Watermelons are high in vitamins and minerals that the body needs. In the sweltering summer heat, it helps keep the body hydrated. Is it possible for guinea pigs to consume watermelon? Watermelon is safe for guinea pigs to eat. In the sweltering summer heat, they are an excellent source of vitamins and hydration.

Watermelon provides Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Potassium, and a variety of other nutrients to Guinea pigs. These minerals are necessary for guinea pigs’ healthy development. Nevertheless, we must keep the serving size in check.

If guinea pigs are given too much watermelon, they may get diarrhea and hyperglycemia, which can be deadly. Guinea pigs may eat watermelon on a regular basis if the amount consumed is reasonable. Our guinea pigs should not be harmed if we do this 2-3 times a week.

A tiny slice of the watermelon should be the typical serving size. This, however, will be determined by the age of your guinea pigs. Our guinea pigs can eat the watermelon with the peel. While some guinea pigs enjoy eating melon with skin, others do not It will be determined by your guinea pigs.

Before serving, remember to remove all of the seeds from the watermelon. In guinea pigs, watermelon seeds can cause choking. Also, don’t eat frozen watermelon because it might cause diarrhea. You may, however, defrost it and serve it after it has reached room temperature.

Watermelon juices, on the other hand, should be avoided altogether since they are heavy in sugar and can cause a variety of health problems in guinea pigs. Watermelon is a fantastic alternative for your guinea pig, as you’ve seen, but make sure it’s seedless, fresh, and eaten in moderation.

Watermelon will be a tasty treat for your little one, and if provided in moderation, it will not make him sick. Finally, make sure that any new food you give your pet including the watermelon, is introduced slowly.

Keep an eye out for any odd behavior or pain in your pet. You can keep giving watermelon to your cavy pal if you don’t notice anything unusual.

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About Ava Wellington

Hi, my name is Ava and I am a editor for GuideYourPet. I love pets, and am the owner of 2 horses and 2 dogs! I have loved pets all my life, and have owned everything from bearded dragons to snakes! I am excited to help you take the best care of your pet!