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Ghost Knife Fish: How To Care For One

Are you searching for a fish that is elegant yet mysterious and mesmerizing yet unique? Then you are looking for the Black Ghost Knifefish. These freshwater fish roam the waters of South America, where natives tell ghost stories about electrogenesis that will steal your heart.

Natural laws almost do not apply to this fish. It has no fins or scales, and its tail resembles a rod. These fish are gaining a lot of attention from the community of aquarists, primarily due to their appearance.

Here is what you need to know about taking care of Black Ghost Knife fish in your aquarium, as well as the best tank companions and ideal tank conditions.

General Species Summary

The popularity of ghost knife fish has thrived over the past few years. Most of this has to do with their extremely unique appearance. Mostly nocturnal, these fish rely on electrolocation for navigation in the dark. The lifespan of this fish is quite long, and if properly cared for, it will live for 15 years.

The Ghost Knife fish goes by several names that come from two origins. The term “black knife” comes from their resemblance to blades. The “ghost” part of their name refers to the belief that ghosts haunt the dead inhabit the body of these fish. The other name is Apteronotid eel because of its ability to produce electricity.


The ghost knife fish migrates into flooded forests.
The ghost knife fish migrates into flooded forests.

During the wet season, the ghost knife fish migrates into flooded forests and quick-flowing rivers with sand bottoms. It prefers densely forested regions with many hiding places. Therefore, fish live in a dark environment and have poor eyesight.

Due to this, the Ghost Knife fish has evolved the ability to generate electricity, which functions as a sort of built-in radar system that allows the fish to navigate through murky waters. Knife fish use this ability for hunting and communication as well.

In addition to preying on worms, insect larvae, insects, crustaceans, small fish. These fish rely on electrolocation for navigation in the dark.

Expert Tip: They can be found in large numbers in Paraguay and Paraná rivers in South America. There are several bodies of water like these in countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Argentina. If properly cared for, this fish has a lifespan of 15 years.


The black ghost knife fish’s lifespan is largely determined by the quality of their overall care and by their genetics. If you take care of all the factors that you can handle, you should be able to keep this fish for a very long time.


Black ghost knife fish's appearance.
Black ghost knife fish’s appearance.

It is obvious that the black ghost knife fish’s appearance is the primary reason why they are so popular. The fish are thin, long, curved in an arc. At the tail, this fish’s vertical width narrows gradually. They have no caudal or dorsal or fins, but there is a thin ridge across their body, and their tail has two white bands spaced apart.

Since they lack a caudal fin, they generate momentum from their anal and pectoral fins. The result is a graceful swimming style. They move in a wave-like manner, which makes them quite agile. Pectoral fins are medium size and have a wide exterior area.

Quite a bit of their movement is controlled by their pectoral fins because of their unique body shape. In terms of coloration, there is not a lot to say. Except on their tails are two white rings or bands. The fish are almost entirely black. From the top-to-bottom of their head, their ridge is sometimes lighter, but that can vary.


Black ghost knife fish can reach a size of up to 20 inches when fully mature. One of the most frequently misunderstood aspects of this species is this information. Many potential owners mistakenly believe they are much smaller than they actually are. Do not believe what you read. No matter the size of the tank, these fish can grow very large.

Black Ghost Knife Fish Care

Sadly, the attention has led to a lot of misinformation about the care of this species. Black ghost knife fish require more care than many other freshwater species. Partly, as a result of their size, unique shape, body types, disease sensitivity, but also to the special conditions they require.

Ghost knife fish require special care that is more suited to experienced aquarists. Within this section, we will discuss the key aspects of water care and the tank. It will help you decide whether you want to own one. Some things you need to know about the Ghost knife fish:

  1. The Knife fish do not have scales, so they are sensitive to chemicals and diseases. You might have to invest in a UV sterilizer. Experts do not recommend giving copper-based medicines to this fish, as copper is toxic to them.
  2. Knife fish are prone to bacterial skin infections, such as When your fish get itchy, they will rub themselves around in the tank. Fortunately, they can get better with the right treatment.

Black Ghost Knife fish are bred for commercial purposes in Indonesia, which benefits wild populations in South America. Look at the size when you buy one. With a knife fish larger than 5 inches, they probably came from the wild.

Expert Tip: A knife fish that comes from the wild may carry parasites and diseases. Place them in quarantine to ensure no unwanted organisms enter your aquarium.

Tank Size

A black ghost knife fish needs a minimum tank size of 100 gallons. Fish like these can grow quite large and require a tank big enough to house them. Small tanks will not only increase a fish’s aggression, but their health will suffer as well. The right tank size is the foundation upon which all other factors of aquarium care are built.

No matter how good the water quality is, if your tank is small, it won’t matter. Two or more ghost knife fish will need larger tanks if you want to keep them together. So you should add 80-100 gallons of water to your tank for each additional fish. In this way, they are less likely to fight among themselves.

Water Parameters

Black knife fish are very sensitive to water quality
Black knife fish are very sensitive to water quality

These fish can actually handle a wide range of baseline water parameters. This is due to their habitat being anything but clean.

The fish are really quite sensitive to suboptimal water conditions, in spite of the fairly flexible parameter windows. Unlike other hardy species, they cannot cope with average water quality. Black knife fish are very sensitive to water quality, so you need to take the quality of your water very seriously.

  • The Temperature Of Water: 73 – 80
  • Ph Levels: Approximately 6.5 To 8
  • Water Hardness: Between 0 To 10 Kh

As you probably know, fish that live in poor water is prone to catching an illness. This is also true if water parameters change. For this species, it is imperative to maintain stable levels. When you see a shift coming, it is your duty to stop it in its track. This is especially true for black knife ghost fish care.

Water parameters and general quality play an important role. A kit that is inaccurate is no better than none at all. When deciding on how to treat your aquarium’s water, ensure the levels and readings you are getting are accurate.

What To Put In The Tank?

In order to set up the perfect aquarium for these fish, you should refer to their natural habitat. In the rivers from which they originate, black ghost knife fish often navigate a variety of objects to hide or find food. Logs, rocks, and trees are plentiful in these rivers. Bringing them into their tank will be beneficial.

The tank needs to be large enough to accommodate these items. You can add plenty of features to the aquarium without affecting their swimming space. You should choose a soft substrate before adding anything else. Because they are bottom feeders, they will spend most of their time in the lower part of your aquarium.

It is best to use fine sand or gravel, but some people can get away with a little larger gravel as well. A soft substrate is vital to these fish due to their body types.

Expert Tip: Since they lack scales, their skin is fairly fragile. A coarse substrate can cause an infection or illness if it cuts them.

The next step is to add some hiding places once you have decided on your substrate. There is no such thing as a perfect hiding place for black ghost knife fish.

If you do not have any of the usual aquarium plants or rocks, you can use driftwood or caves instead. If you have the space, mix the plants and rocks. Depending on your preferences, you can get creative with setting things up. Whatever your choice of layout, it is important to include at least a few plants.

There should be no objects or hiding places with rough surfaces. Driftwood and smooth rocks work well. Cutting them would be a travesty.

Diseases To Watch For

Diseases to watch for.
Diseases to watch for.

Ghost knife fish contract skin diseases more often than other species because of their makeup. The reason for this is that they lack the scaley armor of other fish. Ich is a disease to be on the lookout for with most freshwater fish. White spots will appear on their skin, and their behavior may change as well.

Cuts and scratches can increase the risk of infection. You should treat any cuts to ensure they are healing properly. The next step will be to investigate treatment options if the cut does not appear to be progressing. That is why it is so critical to look at your knife fish every day.

Owners often ignore their aquariums and treat them as background imagery. If this species exhibits any unusual behavior or symptoms, you should take them seriously. Do not delay. You can reduce the risk of your fish becoming sick by investing in a high-quality filter.

Recommended Food & Diet

The ideal diet for black knife fish is similar to that of their natural habitat. In contrast to some other species, these fish generally have a difficult time switching over to pellet or flake food. For this reason, feed them what they prefer. The fish that live longer seem to have been fed a more natural diet and protein-rich, based on observations.

Fresh or frozen live food will be fine. Several types of bloodworms are commonly used by owners, including prawns, tubifex, and brine shrimp. Keeping these fish will require you to plan around their sleep cycle since they are nocturnal. Feeding them in the evening or at night is the easiest way to do this.

During the early stages of your ownership, you need to be careful not to overfeed them. Reduce the amount of food you give them if they can’t finish it in a matter of minutes.

Overfeeding will not only negatively affect their health, but it will also result in more waste being deposited in their water. As you can see from the water quality section, this can be extremely dangerous for this species.


Fish like the Black Ghost Knife are omnivorous and will consume a variety of live foods, including meat, worms, and flaked foods. Knife fish are nocturnal, which means they feed during the night, but they can be trained to eat at the same time as the rest of the aquarium.

Expert Tip: Feeding this species more than once a day allows them to rotate their sleep patterns to become more active when the lights are on. If you want to see black ghost knife fish during the day, make sure they ensure are active during the day.

Behavior & Temperament

Generally, black ghost knife fish like to keep to themselves. The fish are relatively active and choose to keep to themselves. They usually swim around, in and out of hiding places near plants, rocks, and substrate in search of food. They can also be aggressive. These occur only when the black ghost knife fish are around other black ghost knife fish.

No worries, it is still possible to keep two or more together in the same tank. So long as these fish have enough personal space, they are unlikely to be aggressive toward each other. They can get pretty grumpy when two or more are squeezed into close quarters.

Black Ghost Knife Fish Tank Mates & Compatibility

You can consider a number of black ghost knife tank mates. This is because they like to keep to themselves and do not use their size to intimidate others. As long as they are not too small, you can keep any freshwater fish of calm disposition with your knife fish.

While some owners have managed to pair this fish with small fish like Green Neon Tetras or Celestial Pearl Danios, this combination is more viable when the knife fish are still small.



Breeding this species is relatively unknown. Indonesia breeds its inhabitants in ponds. As adults are very large, breeding would require a very large aquarium. Without dedicated ponds or aquariums, it may not be feasible to breed these species. How to breed black ghost knife fish? This has long puzzled hobbyists.

When the black ghost knife fish are not under stress in an unthreatening environment, they have a much higher chance of successful breeding. If the mother doesn’t feel safe in the aquarium, she won’t lay eggs. The breeding success rate of ponds is much higher, however, ponds make it difficult to control the young and collect the eggs.

Black ghost knife fish do not breed until they reach maturity. However, researchers do not know how they breed in freshwater. Breeding requires certain water parameters, including the optimum breeding temperature and consistency.

The fish tank size should also be large enough for the black ghosts fish, and it should be situated in a dark location with enough hiding places for them.

Expert Tip: You should maintain the water’s temperature at 27 degrees Celsius. All of these conditions must be met for the female knife fish to be safe. Female black ghosts cannot lay eggs without these vital parameters.

The black ghost knife fish found in rivers do not have any parental involvement with the eggs they lay after spawning, unlike some other species.

How Big Does A Black Ghost Knife Fish Get?

It’s a fish! It’s a knife! No, it’s the Black Ghost Knife Fish. The black ghost knife fish is an unusual-looking creature found in South America. This article will provide information on how big does a black ghost knife fish get and its diet and habitat.

What Is A Black Ghost Knife Fish, And Where Do They Come From?

Black Ghost Knife Fish are found in the Amazon River Basin. They come from South America but can also be located off West Africa and near India. These fish have a distinctive appearance that stands out among other knife fishes. The black ghost knife is slender with spikes on its dorsal fin to prevent predators from eating it.

Black Ghosts vary widely between individuals, with some being utterly black while others are only slightly darker than their surroundings.

How Big Does A Black Ghost Knife Fish Get?

They get to be about 20 inches long. They’re very adaptable fish, but they need at least two hiding places per fish. This can be two holes or tubes, big rocks stacked on top of each other to create a cave, etc.

What Do Black Ghost Knife Fish Eat?

Black Ghosts eat shrimp and small crabs in the wild, however, they’ll also eat ghost shrimp if kept in an aquarium environment. These fish must have a diet that includes live food to survive in the wild.


Knowing what kind of effort it takes to own one is helpful, you can decide whether they are right for you. The black ghost knife fish has a mesmerizing swimming style, and once settled in the tank, can be friendly.

Potential owners should be honest with themselves. Buying a fish, you cannot handle is the worst mistake you can make. So, it is recommended that you gain experience before keeping them.

Please comment here, and we will answer any questions you have about black ghost knife fish.

Remember, this type of fish is quite sensitive to diseases and can be a bit picky with food. Like most eels, Knife fish has an electro-sensory system for locating and communicating, they are active at night, and their main diet comprises worms, brine shrimps, and insects.

About Rencel Leyran