What Do Hawks Eat: Everything A Hawk Eats Explained

If you love nature walks then chances are you have seen some local wildlife during your adventures. Wild animals and birds, both common and rare, are often sighted during a walk or hike in the great outdoors. Part of the fun of these sightings is identifying the species and then researching them to find out … Read more

Seeing An Owl During The Day? Meaning Of Seeing An Owl In Daylight Explained

When something special happens, we look for an explanation or interpretation to better understand why it happens to us. Encountering an owl, a notoriously nocturnal bird, during the daytime is a rare and special occurrence. It may be scientific, religious, or even a spiritual event but it is definitely not coincidental. The Basics What does … Read more

Why Is My Bearded Dragons Mouth Open? Here’s The Answer

It is likewise recognized as a “bearded dragon” due to the fact that of its beard-like appendages. Why do bearded dragons open their mouths? A bearded dragon opens its mouth in order to both regulate its body temperature as well as communicate using articulation. 6 Reasons a bearded dragon may have its mouth open 1. … Read more

Florida Eagles: 4 Types Of Eagles In Florida To Look For

Did you know that there are 60 different species of Eagles in the world? And we can catch sight of these four kinds of Eagles in Florida. These are the Bald Eagles, the Golden Eagles, the White-tailed Eagles, and the Steller’s Sea Eagles. That is why Florida is a famous place for Eagle lovers to … Read more

Michigan Finch: 8 Types Of Finches In Michigan To Look Out For

Did you know that finches stay in Michigan for the winter? Yes! They are primarily only caught outside of the breeding seasons and have been seen especially in most Northern areas. Finches do this since during winter they are scarce. Finches in Michigan are not limited to different kinds of beautiful finches like the population … Read more